continued its Super Bowl streak in 2001, following the home-run 1999 debut "When I Grow Up" and its 2000 sequel "The Road Less Traveled" with this spot -- but from a new agency.
The first two, well-received ads were created by Interpublic Group of Companies' Mullen out of Wenham, Mass. But Monster chose Arnold Worldwide to take over in September 2000 following a review, driven, according to executives close to the review, by the need to support accelerated growth.
Arnold's pair of spots in Super Bowl XXXV (see also "Happy Guy") pleased the marketer well enough, generating a record 8.1 million job searches and 46,000 resume submissions the next day, to keep the shop on the account for another couple rounds of Super Bowl ads ("Thank You, America" and "Fit Guy" in 2002, "Driver" in 2003).
After that, split with Arnold, citing "marketplace changes," and chose Deutsch to take over a few months later.
YEAR: 2001
AGENCY: Arnold Worldwide