Pringles' first Super Bowl ad stars "Saturday Night Live" alumnus Bill Harder and pals stumbling onto a new way to eat chips. The brand, acquired by Kellogg from Procter & Gamble in 2012 for nearly $2.7 billion, released the commercial online 10 days before the game in a bid to generate early buzz (common Super Bowl practice by 2018) and perhaps even drum up real sales ahead of game-day viewing parties (far less common).
Sales of Pringles are typically strong during the Big Game weekend. Last year, Super Bowl weekend was the brand's fourth-biggest sales weekend, trailing the weekend before July 4 at No. 1, the weekend after July 4 and Memorial Day weekend.
The "flavor stacking" idea came together after staffers at Grey New York were munching on the potato crisps. "When it dawned on them that you could create new flavors by stacking them, they took this seemingly small discovery and made it a big moment," Kellogg said in a statement.
Kellogg Co. considered Pringles one of its brands with the highest growth potential. The commercial's debut kicked off a "Flavor Stacking" campaign planned to run all year.
Director: Rhys Thomas, who previously worked with Hader directing and producing shorts for "Saturday Night Live."
BRAND: Pringles
YEAR: 2018