CBS rejected a fun ad featuring Coke and Pepsi drivers (an echo of previous Pepsi spots), so the company went with this ad, which isn't so bad itself. Exploding 2-liter bottles is a great way to illustrate an environmental claim and noting that SodaStream could have saved "500 million bottles on game day alone" puts concrete numbers behind it.
SodaStream made news in 2013 not only for buying its first Super Bowl ad time but also for having its original creative execution rejected by CBS. That first effort took a jab at Coke and Pepsi, two big Super Bowl advertisers, featuring the companies’ drivers having to deal with exploding bottles. The one that actually appeared on Super Bowl Sunday plays with the same concept, but without the brand names.
The ad was a collaboration between a collaboration among Alex Bogusky, Pale Dot Voyage and Octupus of the Mind. SodaStream would return in 2014 for another big game play ("Saving the World").
BRAND: SodaStream
YEAR: 2013
AGENCY: Alex Bogusky, Pale Dot Voyage, Octopus of the Mind