Every weekday we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new commercials tracked by iSpot.tv, the always-on TV ad measurement and attribution company. (Scroll down to watch them all.)
Watch the newest commercials from Walmart, Walgreens, Nike and more
A few highlights: Walgreens says it offers “holiday magic with 1-hour delivery.” Walmart serves up a fresh 30-second TV cut of a World Cup–themed spot that promotes free Walmart+ delivery “to every country in the United States.” (A 60-second web version of the ad debuted on YouTube on Nov. 24.) And Nike debuts a 60-second TV cut of its star-studded “Footballverse” ad, also timed to the World Cup. (Ad Age’s Alexandra Jardine previewed the campaign—and shared the full 4:26 version—on Nov. 16: “Nike pits legends against current stars in World Cup ad.”)