Keeping up with culture
The industry’s focus on reaching Gen Z has helped drive the growth of the creator economy and put a premium on authenticity and brands staying culturally relevant. Marketing leaders from Kellanova, Vuori and Bubble Skincare will take the stage to discuss their social strategies and how—and when—they tap into pop culture trends.
The 2024 presidential election is another key cultural moment for marketers to navigate. A recent Edelman Trust Barometer survey showed consumers care more than ever about brands’ views on political issues, but that’s easier said than done. A panel of public opinion and PR experts from SS+K, the Harris Poll and Edelman will discuss what brands should do if and when they get caught in divisive, political conversations.
Brand growth and innovation
For newer brands, it’s not just about driving awareness. Craig Dubitsky—the mastermind behind natural oral care brand Hello, Method cleaning products and, most recently, Happy, a coffee brand co-founded with Robert Downey Jr.—will lead an interactive workshop on how to carve out a space for a new company or product.
In addition to celebrating the winners of the Ad Age Breakout Brands awards, the event will feature a panel of three challenger brand executives, including Studs Co-Founder Lisa Bubbers, and explore their strategies for competing against larger established rivals.
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