“I think the experience of Ergatta is about competition with yourself and others and finding your inner rhythm,” said Andrew Levy, another of the campaign’s creative directors. “There's something like really meditative and mystic about accessing that deep flow state.”
The ads lean heavily on that competitive intensity, targeting a clear subsect of users. Randi Charles, VP of marketing at Ergatta notes that the brand “tend[s] to over-index on certain professions within our communities, so we have a lot of financial professionals, engineers, people who tend to be motivated by trackable ways to visualize and measure progress.”
The Ergatta rower comes equipped with a game-style platform that allows users to follow customized, competitive workout plans. Unlike some other at-home equipment offerings, the rower is less interested in recreating a class environment than engaging you in a competition with yourself.
“What Ergatta does is instead of having you follow an instructor, it has you play a series of games and compete in different race-style or competition types of environments that are calibrated to your individual fitness level,” said Charles. “It feels less like taking a class and more like playing a game or a sport.”
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