The first campaign for Steak-umm under its new creative agency takes the profundities the brand has long shared on Twitter into the real world, interacting with confused people as a wise and witty talking package.
A series of new ads from Tombras shared exclusively with Ad Age has the Steak-umm “Steakperson”—a human with a Steak-umm package for a head—jumping in with low-key insight at moments where other figures in the ads hesitate and ponder, saying “Umm…” in a reference to the product name. A customer at a supermarket checkout is momentarily flummoxed when a cashier asks how he is doing. “Umm…” he begins, before the Steak-umm—cast as a bagger—informs him: “Oh, they don’t care. It’s a polite social norm. Just return the favor so we can get this ad over with.”
"Good,” the customer finally replies to the cashier, “you?” This draws a blank stare and a terse reply. “Huh?”