Pete Favat recently marked his first anniversary as chief creative officer at Deutsch Los Angeles, which handles creative for major marketers including Taco Bell, VW and Dr. Pepper. This year it added Pizza Hut to the list and looks like the frontrunner to win the review for a lead creative shop on Sprint. Mr. Favat came from Arnold, where he had worked on large accounts including Progressive Insurance. He shared a few fun facts about himself with Ad Age for this week's edition of "Six Things"
1. He has a devil tattoo on one shoulder an angel on the other. "I was at a crossroads in my first marriage, I was in L.A. and, being in a poor mood, opted to get a devil," explained Mr. Favat. He spent the next couple of years in "solo devil" mode, before meeting his current wife, Amy. Only then did he get the angel done to balance things out. "On any given day, I'll defer to one or the other," he said.