Paranorman : 2 Bit Bub
Hunt zombie bones with a bisected dog.
Editor's Pick
To support the release of ParaNorman, the stop-motion zombie film it worked on with Focus Features, animation studio Laika has created a free iPhone and iPad game called 2-Bit Bub. Created in collaboration with game designer Graeme Devine and agency Wieden +Kennedy Portland, the app focuses on a character from the film called Bub, a ghost dog whose body is bisected. Players have to slingshot Bub through 30 levels set in 10 locations from the film in order to rescue zombie bones. They can unlock, collect and share zombie posters, earn "dog tag" achievements and receive notifications of exclusive content from the movie. The game is set to original music by composer Jon Brion.
Paranoman , which opens on August 17, is the second stop-motion animated feature to be made at LAIKA in 3D, after Coraline.
- Date
- Jul 26, 2012
- Brand :
- Paranorman
- Client :
- Paranorman
- App Developer :
- Laika
- Agency :
- Wieden & Kennedy-Portland
- Game Designer :
- Graeme Devine
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