Yakima Products : Coach Yakima

Philadelphia agency Stick and Move has created Coach Yakima, a master of bike transport gear and other cargo goodies, who wants to put some rocket in your sprocket. The coach, described by Stick and Move CD Steve O'Connell as an "out

Published On
Aug 09, 2007
Coach Yakima

Editor's Pick

Philadelphia agency Stick and Move has created Coach Yakima, a master of bike transport gear and other cargo goodies, who wants to put some rocket in your sprocket. The coach, described by Stick and Move CD Steve O'Connell as an "outdoorsy motivational character," is not to be confused with the '80s Norman Mailer, even if they do look a bit alike. "Most of our inspiration for the coach came from Burgess Meredith," says O'Connell. "Maybe it's just because were Philly boys, but nothing gets our blood pumping more than when Mickey tells Rocky, 'Youre gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder.' " Yeah, must be a Philly thing. At any rate, this concept is so fratboyish, was a motivational spokesbabe ever considered? "Motivating yourself to get off the couch and get outside is a tough feat," O'Connell points out. "We needed a character who embodied tough lovesomeone who might be sweet at times but who'd also kick your ass six ways to Sunday if you screw around. An attractive lady just doesn't get that feeling across." Seen here as well are elements of the free care package that disciples of the coach can order online.


Aug 09, 2007
Client :
Yakima Products
Agency :
Stick and Move
Brand :
Yakima Products

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