IKEA's coronavirus instructions map out what to do during the pandemic

Retailer and McCann Israel create the latest creative quarantining PSA

Published On
Mar 24, 2020

Editor's Pick

Brands of all sorts are telling consumers not only to practice “social distancing” during the coronavirus pandemic, but also to just stay home completely.

The Swedish retailer has relayed its own message in step-by-step directions just like in the instruction booklets that accompany its furniture. Only it’s arguably the easiest set of IKEA directions you’ll likely to ever come across.

The directions show the words “Stay Home” above a picture of a house. In place of tools needed to build the project, there’s simply a key, a lock and 100 rolls of toilet paper, something that the world cannot get enough of during this time. Below that, a closed door has a checkmark and an open door has an "x," signaling that leaving the house is a no-no.

IKEA Israel posted the directions, created by created McCann Tel-Aviv Israel, to its Facebook page last Friday. “It’s really not complex–just staying at home,” reads the post.