Resident Evil 6 : No Hope Left
The end of the world.
Editor's Pick
Brothers and Sisters presents two harrowing films for Resident Evil 6 that ask -- what would do you when you have no hope left?
The first film, which is shot very much like an apocalypse film, features a host of people, from a man in a wheelchair to schoolchildren cowering behind their teachers who know that the end of the world as they know it is coming.
The second film, "Last Goodbyes," collates the final words from people that know that their days are numbered.
"'Last Goodbyes' is the darkest thing any of us will make in our entire careers. It perfectly captures the reality that greets us when we play Resident Evil 6," Andy Fowler, Founder and Creative Director of Brothers and Sisters, said in a statement.
- Date
- Sep 17, 2012
- Brand :
- Resident Evil 6
- Client :
- Resident Evil 6
- Agency :
- Brothers and Sisters-London
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