A burn victim finds solace in darkness and cinema in this heartbreaking PSA

A bittersweet trip to the movies shows what it takes to stay out of sight

Published On
May 03, 2018

Editor's Pick

Everyone wants to hide from the world now and again. To back up against the wall, shrink into the floor, disappear into the darkness. For victims of serious burns, it may feel like a necessity.

A heartbreaking spot for French nonprofit The Burns and Smiles Association follows a severely burned man on a trip to the movies. Though night has already fallen, it's not dark enough to hide his scarred face. He waits for the ticket line to clear out and slips into the movie late, to avoid the house lights. He misses the ending, too, leaving 15 minutes early so he won't have to deal with the stares of the audience when the lights come back on.

TBWA Paris and director Nicolas Galoux were behind the spot and also worked together on 2016's "Halloween" spot. In the same vein as "Cinema," that ad told the story of a man who looks forward to Halloween, the one night of the year when he can hide in plain sight.


May 03, 2018
Brand :
Burns and Smiles
Client :
Burns and Smiles
Agency :
Announcer Supervisor :
Laurent Gaudens
Agency Supervisor :
Luc Bourgery
Agency Supervisor :
Natacha Chevallier
Executive Creative Director :
Benjamin Marchal
Executive Creative Director :
Faustin Claverie
Conception/Artistic Direction :
Léna Monceau
Conception/Artistic Direction :
Julia Deshayes
Film Director :
Nicolas Galoux
Director, Photography :
Fabien Peborde
Casting Director :
Sonia Cascino
Chief Executive Offier :
Maxime Boiron
Producer :
Jennifer Bauche
Production Coordinator :
Teva François
Production Coordinator :
Léa Gosselin
Post Production :
Anne-Claire Girard
Retoucher :
Grégory Lefevre
Color Grading :
Arthur Paux
Technical Manager :
Benjamin Piton
Graphics :
Bastien Malmanche
Sound Effects Make Up :
Jean-Christophe Spadaccini
Sound Effects Make Up :
Katy Jones
Sound Effects Make Up :
Laetitia Quillery
Styling :
Nadia Chmilewsky
Head of Sound and Music :
Olivier Lefebvre
Sound Director :
Fanny Mithois
Audio Engineer :
Max Labarthe
Music Rights :
Barthélémy Ponsot
Music :
Pierre Lefeuvre (SAYCET)

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