Serena Williams recites LL Cool J's 'Mama Said Knock You Out' in ad for Chase

Ahead of the U.S. Open, it's the latest spot to focus on the tennis ace's motherhood

Published On
Aug 23, 2018

Editor's Pick

Serena Williams' return to tennis after giving birth has become great fodder for the brands that she's associated with.

First we had Gatorade paying tribute to her playing "like a mother," and now Chase gets in on the act with a spot airing ahead of the U.S. Open, in which she recites the lyrics of LL Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You Out" as she puts baby Olympia to bed and heads out to the court. The ad, directed by Martin de Thurah for Droga5, heightens the sense of anticipation by showing an incipient storm blowing through the trees, and contrasts Williams holding her baby tenderly with shots of her smashing a ball over the net, focusing in on the power of her hands. According to a statement by the agency, it "explores the duality of Serena Williams. A woman who is simultaneously a nurturing mother and a ferocious athletic opponent."

Like the Gatorade ad, it's a great way to showcase the power of motherhood--and feels right in line with the times.


Aug 23, 2018
Brand :
Agency :
Director :
Martin de Thurah

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