Smirnoff's first global campaign in 25 years mines the brand's infamous roots

Rupert Sanders directs spot for 72andSunny

Published On
Oct 15, 2019

Editor's Pick

Smirnoff's first global advertising campaign in 25 years mines the brand's history as an edgy, even contraband product, featuring the tagline "Infamous since 1864." It kicks off with a fast-paced blockbuster that takes us on a decades-long journey, depicting the risks people took to enjoy the vodka. 

Directed by Rupert Sanders (known for feature films like "Snow White and the Huntsman" as well spots for the likes of Axe and Playstation), the spot by 72andSunny starts off in dramatic fashion with the vodka brand being smuggled out of 19th century Russia on a train, pursued by soldiers. Next, we see it secretly stashed (literally in a bootleg) in America during Prohibition. It's then "exiled to France," via a dramatic chase, before we see it infiltrating L.A. hip hop culture. Each era and location is gorgeously recreated, and the soundtrack (a new vesion of El Michels Affair’s cover of Ol' Dirty Bastard's “Shimmy Shimmy Ya”) ramps up the sense of tension and danger.

The ad has already launched in Europe and will be followed by a global roll out including in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Argentina and Kenya. It's supported with OOH, digital, social and print advertising.