Stove Top's Thanksgiving Dinner Pants Expand to Accommodate Your Turkey Belly

David Miami Conceived Perfect Accompaniment for Holiday Dinner

Published On
Nov 13, 2017

Editor's Pick

No one wants to think about seeing a guy stuffed from Thanksgiving relaxing with his jeans unbuttoned, and it's impossible to imagine anyone trying to use spoons to unbutton her pants after the big meal. But such moments, brought to life in infomercial-style glory, serve as the perfect introduction for Stove Top's latest product: Thanksgiving Dinner Pants.

Just in time for the holidays come stretch pants with Stove Top flair.

"Don't spend your hard-earned money on fancy maternity pants," suggests a voiceover in a funny video released by the Kraft Heinz brand. Stove Top wants people to buy these $19.98 beauties instead.

Kraft Heinz has actually created the maroon Stove Top-branded Thanksgiving Dinner Pants. They feature an over-the-belly, stuffing-patterned "non-patented stuffin' stretch waistband" and deep stuffing-patterned pockets, and are up for sale starting Monday at

The push, which comes during the key selling season for Stove Top, also includes a $10,000 donation to Feeding America.

The idea was created out of David Miami, with film directed by Craig Tovey via Fishface.