These cringey yogurt ads show when sweetness goes sour

Office of Baby points out the dark side of sugar for Siggi's

Published On
Jun 25, 2018

Editor's Pick

Everyone knows yogurt is good for you, right? But many of the acidophilus bombs found on grocery store shelves are also packed with sugar--enough to make the sour goop taste more like candy to a public weaned on high-fructose corn syrup.

Enter Siggi's, a yogurt brand that's been making inroads against more established competitors like Chobani, which specializes in Greek yogurt. Siggi's is skyr, a high-protein yogurt from Iceland. Most flavors the brand offers are lightly sweetened, and the others have no added sugar.

A new series of spots from Office of Baby plays up the ways too much sweetness might be unwelcome, with a few cringey vignettes. A doting man awakens his partner (if they're not in a relationship, this takes a very dark turn) with way too many balloons. And celebratory tattoos aren't always welcome, even when the likeness is spot on. Or maybe especially when the likeness is spot on.

The short videos were made to catch eyes on platforms like Hulu or social media, where viewers are predisposed to tuning out. The spots were directed by O Positive director Kenny Herzog.


Jun 25, 2018
Agency :
Office of Baby
Chief Creative Officer :
Paul Caiozzo
Executive Creative Director :
Nathan Frank
Senior Art Director :
Mary Dauterman
Art Director :
Kelsey Shang
Copywriter :
Prit Patel
Executive Producer :
Mai Hyunh
Producer :
Connor Hall
Production :
O Positive
Director :
Kenny Herzog
Executive Producer :
Ralph Laucella
Executive Producer :
Ken Licata
Producer :
Jason Reda
Editor :
Tiffany Burchard

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