Breaking News: Taylor Swift Just Kickboxed Andy Samberg Through a Wall
For AT&T, 'Exclusive Home of Taylor Swift NOW'
Editor's Pick
Unless you're a total Taylor Swift fangirl or fanboy, the idea behind AT&T's Taylor Swift NOW might annoy you. Because seriously, do we really need to see a lot more of one the world's most overexposed celebrities? Per AT&T, its customers "can watch Taylor Swift NOW on all our video platforms -- DIRECTV NOW, DIRECTV and U-verse. The Video On Demand content showcases videos, concert performances, behind-the-scenes footage and more from the Taylor Swift archives."
Fortunately, this digtal short promoting Taylor Swift NOW quickly goes from the mundane (Swift tuning her guitar, snacking and playing with her cat) to showing her randomly running into Andy Samberg and engaging in thumb-to-thumb combat -- and then hand-to-hand and foot-to-chest combat -- with "Andy Samjerk," as she calls him.
So sure, AT&T -- if Taylor Swift keeps on beating up other celebrities for our viewing pleasure, we're down with that. Sign us up!
- Date
- Sep 07, 2017
- Brand :
- AT&T
- Client :
- AT&T
- Agency :
- Production :
- Director :
- Tom Kuntz
- Executive Producer :
- Eriks Krumins
- Director, Photography :
- Greg Frasier
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