A Dolph Lundgren cameo gives TD Ameritrade's '80s-style training montage an authentic touch

Brokerage continues its pivot to nostalgia

Published On
Jan 06, 2020

Editor's Pick

Learning to invest is a worthy challenge in TD Ameritrade’s homage to the ‘80s, a quick-cutting training montage that pairs a finance newbie with the brokerage’s long-standing spokesman, the bearded and bespectacled Jim.

Together they struggle through the traditional highlights, from jumping rope at a boxing gym to one-handed push-ups in front of a setting sun. During a run along the beach, Dolph Lundgren even makes an appearance, still in fighting form at age 62 after reprising his role as Ivan Drago in “Creed II.” The whole scene is set to “Gonna Fly Now” from the original “Rocky” and is directed by Brian Aldrich via Furlined.

This trip to the nostalgia well from Havas New York follows a spot-on recreation of the "Get Smart" intro, with Jim playing the part of Don Adams. And expect Lundgren to show up soon in a future TD Ameritrade ad touting his actual skills as a very smart man.



Jan 06, 2020
Client :
TD Ameritrade
Agency :
Havas New York

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