Doritos’ #FlatMatthew spot features Matthew McConaughey — in two dimensions — to promote its new 3D chip.
“Lately, I haven’t been feeling quite like myself,” the actor says.
McConaughey is low energy and riddled with bad luck throughout the 60-second commercial. He is shown being sucked into a robotic vacuum, blown away by a gust of wind and mocked by Jimmy Kimmel.
So when he sees Doritos 3D Crunch inside of a vending machine, he slides inside to see if the puffed concoctions can solve what ails him. After just one bite, the actor reinflates — the only trouble is, now he’s three dimensional and thoroughly stuck inside the vending machine.
“Doritos, now in 3D,” the narrator says.
Doritos last appeared in the Super Bowl in 2020 with a commercial featuring Lil Nas X and Sam Elliott engaging in an “Old Town Road” cowboy dance-battle showdown.
Brand: Doritos
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Quarter Aired: Q1
Super Bowl: LV
Year: 2021