Ad Age is marking Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2023 with our Honoring Creative Excellence package. (Read the introduction here.) Today, our guest editor Soyoung Kang turns the spotlight to Marvin Chow, VP of global marketing at Google.
Here, Chow writes about the rollout of community representation labels on Google Search and Maps.
As a marketer, I’ve always gotten tremendous satisfaction from marrying my craft with my convictions, especially bringing beautiful stories to the world that showcase my brand’s values—and my own. But while at Google, I’ve also witnessed, time after time, how “purpose-driven marketing” is so much bigger than traditional storytelling or communications around a single campaign.
Walking the talk on brand values is one the hardest things for a brand to do, yet one of the most impactful ways to drive cultural change and positive brand impact. For us, that’s about solving real problems and lifting underrepresented groups through Google products directly, driving change through technology and everyday behaviors.