There are two areas that “owning your audience” should be divided into: how a publisher reaches an audience and how a publisher earns revenue from that audience. Until recently, the latter was much more difficult for most digital publishers, but a shift, enabled by the maturation of technology that allows publishers to directly trade their own first-party data across programmatic channels, has given publishers the ability to leverage that data and widen the revenue gap from publishers who don’t.
A study performed at Ezoic of how individual publishers after implementing first-party on their site revealed one recent case from a publisher that had started using Ezoic’s ezID in the 4th quarter of 2024. The publisher, “Adam” (an alias), had implemented a first-party data-driven strategy that resulted in a $50,000 revenue increase in less than three months during Q4 2024. It demonstrates how first-party data can enhance business practices, efficiency, growth and strategy.
Adam agreed to share how he combined a first-party data strategy with the “Trump bump”—a term used here to describe the increased political news consumption spurred by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign—to thrive in a competitive space.