Despite 378 public complaints about Protein World's infamous "Beach Body Ready" ad, the U.K. Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that it is neither irresponsible nor offensive.
The poster, created in-house and showing a very slim woman in a yellow bikini next to the phrase "Are You Beach Body Ready?" was the subject of a public backlash in April, when 60,000 people signed an online petition to have it banned. A graffiti campaign defaced many of the ads, using slogans like, "Each body's ready" and "You are fine as you are," and a "Take back the beach" protest was organized in Hyde Park.
Carling produced a spoof "beer body ready" version, and plus-sized fashion retailer Simply Be created posters declaring "Every body is beach body ready," while the term "beach body ready" became part of daily conversation in the U.K.
Protein World spent $385,000 on the billboards and told that it had made around $1.5 million in the first four days after the ads appeared.