Every weekday we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new commercials tracked by iSpot.tv, the always-on TV ad measurement and attribution company. (Scroll down to watch them all.)
Watch the newest commercials from WhatsApp, Amp, AstraZeneca and more
A few highlights: Amp says that on its platform “the music is picked by people, not algorithms.” Jeff Bridges speaks from the heart in a campaign from pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. (Ad Age’s Alexandra Jardine has the backstory: “Jeff Bridges reflects on COVID and chemo in AstraZeneca PSA.”) And WhatsApp promotes “Naija Odyssey,” a short (12-minute) original film about NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo that the Meta-owned messaging app will drop on its social media channels and Amazon Prime Video on Sept. 21.