Avoid traditional male stereotypes
Kantar’s Šídlová said that there are opportunities for brands to challenge stereotypical notions of masculinity, particularly with new categories such as household and personal care. While in previous generations these products may have been advertised to and bought by women, men are shopping doing more of such shopping and are receptive to marketing, she said. Kantar found that ads that portray men as emotionally aware and engaged in self-care and family life in the U.S. have resonated with American consumers.
“Showing men caring for one another expressing emotion and not resorting to archetypes of being strong and powerful but showing vulnerability have the element of authenticity,” said Šídlová. “Showing behaviors that maybe traditionally weren’t shown in advertising or culture so much but are present are striking a relatable chord.”
Indeed, self-care for men may not have been a trend a decade ago but has grown in importance in recent years, which has helped pave the way for brands such as Cetaphil and Bath & Body Works to market to the group.
Target media appropriately
One mistake Šídlová said some brands are making as they court men involves their media buys. She said some brands were underutilizing their ability to connect with men by still targeting women with their media. “Who you talk to through your media choices has a huge impact on awareness,” she said. “You could have the right un-stereotypical ad out there but if you’re only showing it to the target that already buys you and knows about you, that’s fine but if you want to expand your audience choices, you have to expand your media choices.” She noted that it’s no longer true that women make all the buying decisions, so media buys should reflect greater gender diversity.
Lululemon is keeping an eye on its media mix as it targets men, Marstaller said, noting that the brand performs gender target segmentation with its media partners and channel mix. Men will often see different landing pages and emails than women, for example.
“At each channel touchpoint, we look at it in terms of audience gender and then segmentation,” she said, adding that Lululemon is targeting who it talks to by the media it buys and the agencies it taps.