While we all continue to await the latest directives from the CDC and local and state health officials on coronavirus-related issues, one (instant) expert has some important guidelines regarding self-quarantine.
In Jimmy Kimmel’s latest “Quarantine Minilogue”—the YouTube monologues he’s been recording from home while ABCs “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” is on hold—he proposes “a suggested framework for your day.”
The first bit of structure: “Mandatory Pants.” As Kimmel explains in the video above, “I think it’s important—very important—to put on pants at some point. For at least two hours a day. You just have to. My wife is actually suggesting a Formal Friday, where you get all dressed up for dinner even if you’re alone. Maybe we’ll do that.”
His other guidelines include “Binge Responsibly” (“You can watch up to three movies or five TV shows per day”) and “Scream in the Car” (“If you do need time away from your family, the inside of your car, I’ve found, is a great place to scream”), as well as “Check in on Your Loved Ones”—which he proceeds to do by video-conferencing in his “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” sidekick Guillermo.