While visiting our kid at college a few months ago, I found myself talking to the dad of one of his baseball teammates over a beer or three. He’s a civil litigator named to the top 1% of American lawyers and has won weeks-long jury cases for $150 million+.
On the surface, a big-time trial lawyer and a medium-time ad creative don’t have much in common. But as the conversation wandered to the topic of persuasion, it became clear that our jobs are eerily similar and that ad pros can learn a lot about winning the hearts and minds of an audience from trial law tactics.
Here are a few ad people can and should steal:
Themes win trials
“The first thing I do when I take a case is start thinking of my closing argument,” the lawyer said. “If I can’t come up with a compelling theme that can be delivered in one sentence, I don’t go any further.” He will test that theme cold with bartenders, Uber drivers and CEOs, and use their reactions to hone it. “Then I build on that theme every step of the way, from my opening statement to the evidence I present to every word of my closing argument.”