TV measurement firm has been busy asking consumers what they thought of all the Super Bowl LVIII commercials as part of its iSpot Creative Assessment service. (The offering grew out of iSpot’s 2021 acquisition of Ace Metrix.)
ISpot showed each national Super Bowl ad to a unique panel of 500 people and then had the panelists fill out standardized surveys to gauge if they thought a given ad was likable, informative, etc. (More on iSpot’s methodology here.) For the purposes of the chart below, iSpot focused on “likability,” ranking the 10 commercials that earned the highest ratings in that survey category. (CBS promos were excluded from consideration.) Crowd-pleasers—starting with ads from BMW, Volkswagen, State Farm and Doritos—top the chart. Scroll down to see all 10 and watch all of the Super Bowl ads here.