What advice would you give to teens about using social media today?
Understand how to utilize social media for good and also understand how to protect yourself on social media.
How is new technology changing the way you work?
I think ChatGPT has changed the way that I work for sure. Whether it is as a reference or [for] a thank you note, I find myself using ChatGPT as a way to automate and codify my thinking and sort of scale my writing abilities—be my proofreader. And I can’t imagine life without ChatGPT. I’ve been an early adopter of a lot of technologies, but I think this is one that has had a profound impact.
What piece of technology could you absolutely not live without?
My AirPods.
What’s your favorite blog, TikTok account, podcast or any must-follows in your media diet?
I love podcasts. So every morning I listen to “The Daily”—that’s my go-to.
What is the biggest technical leap you’ve had to adjust to in your career and how did you do it?
The biggest technical leap that I’ve had to adjust to happened recently with COVID because we were very much an in-person organization prior to COVID, and for most of my career it’s been very much [about] in-person team building. I think COVID normalized sitting on Zooms for eight hours a day and that’s been an adjustment. I’m looking forward to hitting that balance now that we’re getting a bigger Miami office set up with more in-person time.