What advice would you give to teens about using social media today?
Always remember that you are the product. Each social media platform monetizes all of the data and content that you generate, so be mindful of your privacy and protect it by limiting the amount of personal information that you share publicly.
How is new technology changing the way you work?
Throughout the majority of my professional life, I have considered myself the type of person who relies on words to communicate ideas. When the pandemic introduced many of us, myself included, to various collaboration tools like Miro and Figma, my visual communications acumen increased significantly. And now with the widespread availability of so many AI image generation platforms, it’s gotten even stronger.
What piece of technology could you absolutely not live without?
What’s your favorite blog, TikTok account, podcast or any must-follows in your media diet?
I am still devoted to long-form content, both books and print magazines, such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Wired, Fortune and Fast Company. I read The New York Times in print every weekend. I also enjoy Charlie Warzel’s Galaxy Brain newsletter from The Atlantic. My podcast playlist always includes “The Ezra Klein Show,” “Hard Fork,” “Work Life” and “Hidden Brain.”
What is the biggest technical leap you’ve had to adjust to in your career and how did you do it?
As a Gen Xer, I experienced the transition from analog to digital at the ideal time in my life. I only upgraded from my Brother word processor to a laptop computer in my senior year of college and I can clearly remember the exact moment when someone first told me about this thing called the internet. Straddling both worlds has enabled me to occupy two minds: One that is extremely grateful for technology and what it empowers, and one that is still a bit skeptical of it.