How is new technology changing the way you work?
Tech makes work more efficient and effective. With the rise of AI and tools like ChatGPT, you’re able to get tasks done more quickly, whether it’s writing an email or looking for a source of inspiration for a project.
What piece of technology could you absolutely not live without?
My AirPods. They change your everyday user experience when working and communicating.
What’s your favorite blog, TikTok account, podcast or any must-follows in your media diet?
Recently, I’ve been relying on TikTok search to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in Web3. I stumbled across and follow his posts religiously. He breaks down all of the latest advancements in AI in an engaging and simple way. I also can’t live without @Metav3rse and on Instagram—Roberto Nickson leads both and is my go-to—as well as TheFutureParty newsletter; it casts a wide net of what’s happening in culture, including Web3-specific topics and Web3 Twitter threads.
What is the biggest technical leap you’ve had to adjust to in your career and how did you do it?
I’m obsessed with white space and look at technical leaps as an area of opportunity and excitement. One of the exciting leaps was the emergence of social media when I was in college. It established a new one-to-one connection with communities, and I ended up building my career around social. The next leap was the emergence of Web3 and the metaverse. To make the leap, I leaned on having insane curiosity, diving in with a community-first mindset, looking for authentic and innovative ways for Chipotle to activate, and working closely with our extremely talented organization that enjoys learning about new spaces and taking thoughtful risks.