What advice would you give to teens about using social media today?
As a parent to four Gen Z kids raised in the era of smartphones and social media, I know firsthand how hard self-regulation can be. Therefore, I’m a huge advocate for setting boundaries and limits on time spent on social. If you find you are spending more hours endlessly scrolling than you are in real life with friends and family, it’s time to step away for a little digital detox. I think it’s also important not to compare yourself to others on social and remember that the majority of posts are only showing the very best aspects of someone’s life.
But my go-to advice is: Be kind, treat others with respect and don’t post anything on social that you wouldn’t want your grandmother, principal or your future self to see.
How is new technology changing the way you work?
Technology has given us near-limitless access to all the world’s knowledge and one another. Never has there been more opportunity for connection and collaboration across teams, companies, countries, organizations and people. While the pandemic certainly accelerated adoption of certain tech like video-conferencing, remote collaboration tools, VR, Web3 and streaming, I think it’s the recent meteoric rise of AI that will significantly transform and reshape the way we work, promising exponential leaps in efficiency, productivity, complex problem-solving, creativity and collaboration.
What’s your favorite blog, TikTok account, podcast or any must-follows in your media diet?
As the largest global podcast publisher on the planet, it’s a spoilage of riches when it comes to podcasts here at iHeartMedia. We recently launched a mental health podcast slate and partnered with Jay Shetty to bring his popular podcast “On Purpose” to our iHeartPodcast Network, which I’ve been binge-listening to ever since.
Some favorite follows on Instagram are: @theholdernessfamily, @corporatenatalie and @AustinNasso for some humor, and @ucanoutdoors for a daily piece of inspiration.
What is the biggest technical leap you’ve had to adjust to in your career and how did you do it?
The digital transformation that resulted from the proliferation of smartphones and social media was definitely the biggest technical leap I’ve had to adjust to in my career. This technical leap also gave me the biggest opportunity of my career to help traditional media companies transform their businesses through innovation, ensuring their ability to meet consumers and customers in the new places they were spending time and in the ways they’d expect.