Media professionals, now hear this: It is time to walk the talk
or take a walk. Forecast numbers show online ad spending more than
doubling in the next three years to more than $44 billion in 2011
from just under $22 billion now.
To achieve these industry growth rates, we are going to need to
grow and retool the existing ranks of media professionals. While
the interactive-media work force will take in many new hires right
out of college, these "digital natives" who grew up with the
internet won't have the media expertise and business savvy of
existing media professionals. As a result, these tenured media
professionals must learn the terminology, how interactive media
works, and to be comfortable with inconsistencies in digital-media
and traditional-media values and currency.
Last year I wrote
an article about ageism in our industry. I highlighted the
fact that the interactive industry needs older professionals, for
many reasons. But more important, the industry needs older
professionals who bring with them years of business savvy and media
experience as well exposure and understanding of the ever-changing
digital-media landscape. Older media professionals will need to
prove to their next employers that they can jump quickly into the
digital landscape, demonstrate their digital proficiency and
confidence, and become all around "digital-media mavens." What does
a digital-media maven have to know? For starters, the terminology
of the digital-media space and its key trends, terminology that
includes page views, unique visitors, engagement, Web 2.0, rich
media, social media, the Long Tail, optimization, RSS and opt-in.
The digital maven also needs to understand the newer components of
digital marketing. Also: what the current IAB ad unit standards are
and how to apply them; the difference between CPM and CPC ad
models; how digital media and traditional media work together to
achieve goals; and how digital media campaigns are measured and
Participation is key
While a great deal of media insight can be gathered by just surfing
the web, it's more valuable to participate in this digital world.
Today surfing the web means watching video clips and even
full-length TV programs; sharing opinions and thoughts with others
through blogs, photo-sharing sites and social networks; listening
to podcasts or web radio stations; downloading music, games, movies
and other tools; and buying things from sites such as Amazon, eBay
and Craigslist. For veteran media planners, there is a wealth of
information to be mined by watching how these tools and people are
interacting with one another. And don't forget to observe how, when
and with what devices children and young adults -- anyone under 27
-- integrate and multitask with the web.
There are dozens of sites, newsletters and blogs on the
interactive-advertising industry that provide insight and
commentary, along with many digital-media-based events and
organizations that facilitate networking.
Most major metropolitan areas have digital-media and
interactive-media associations; download a free resource list at Joining your
local interactive-marketing or digital-media association is time
well spent and offers valuable networking and educational
Experienced media people represent the future of digital marketing.
The transition offers new challenges, but with the right resources,
it's not impossible. And agencies and publishers should invest in
training their traditional-media people sell and buy digital media,
because it is those professionals who will drive the projected $44
billion in online ad spending.
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How Older Pros Can Transition to Digital
With the Right Training and Resources, Their Expertise Will Win Out
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Laredo is president-founder of Laredo Group. She has more than
25 years' experience in the online and interactive industry.