Production: ?Squeegees,? the first original Web series from Disney-ABC Television Group, premiered Feb. 28th on and YouTube. Disney-ABC recently unveiled its new-media studio, Stage 9, an experimental programming initiative that is intended to connect traditional advertisers with Web video. The series is a slapstick comedy about window washers played by members of comedy troupe Handsome Donkey. The group was scouted by ABC and producer Barry Jossen after being featured in a New York Times article on viral video. Anne Sweeney, Disney Media Networks co-chair and Disney-ABC Television group president, called the series an effort to ?bridge the gap between user-generated content and traditional production.? The opening episodes were sponsored by Toyota, and feature their ads in pre-roll and at interruption intervals.
Result: The videos have garnered around 300,000 views on YouTube. ABC does not release metrics for their on-site player, and declined to disclose economic details of the show's production or ad partnership.
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