Production: On Feb. 26, the New York Philharmonic gave the first performance by an American orchestra in North Korea. A video of the program was produced by the New York Philharmonic and EuroArts Music International in co-production with the Munhwa Broadcasting Corp. of the Republic of Korea and ARTE France, and in cooperation with the European Broadcasting Union. A week later, Web video platform provider PermissionTV announced it would host the concert on for 60 days. The partnership is meant to showcase PermissionTV?s new ?smartplayer? technology, which features chapter-based content selection with sharing and download capability. In this case, the chapters serve to divide each of the five musical selections conducted by Lorin Maazel.
Result: The video, also broadcast on PBS, has generated steady activity since its launch. The PermissionTV reporting system has tracked more than 4,000 unique visitors. Vince Ford, the Philharmonic?s new-media director, called the player a success and said it will be used again for future performance video footage. ?Our immediate plans with PermissionTV include enhancing the presentation of other media on our site,, for marketing, fundraising and education purposes through a smaller, more compact video player,? Mr. Ford said.
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Featured Video: The New York Philharmonic in North Korea
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