Airbnb touts unique solutions for all types of travelers in global animated campaign

A trio of three 15-seconds spots were created in-house, with animation by Buck

Published On
Aug 24, 2023
Three women in claymation animation style

Editor's Pick

As travel prices rise and consumers get choosier about where they stay, Airbnb is promoting itself as a unique solution fitting all hospitality needs.

Today, the home share company is debuting “Get an Airbnb,” a new marketing campaign of animated spots designed to entice individual travelers by meeting their individual needs. The animation style is similar to Airbnb’s “Airbnb It” campaign last fall, a push that aimed to attract more hosts to the platform. The new work is geared toward guests.

For example, in a voiceover, one 15-second commercial posits, “If you’re finally ready to take a trip without the kids, why stay at a hotel with more kids? Get an Airbnb and get a place to yourself.”


A second 15-second spot highlights the social benefits of staying with friends in one Airbnb location versus several isolated hotel rooms.


In total, the campaign includes three spots. The work was created in-house, in keeping with Airbnb’s previous marketing pushes, though the San Francisco-based company did work with Buck on the animation. Essence Mediacom handled media buying.

While the three spots will air in the U.S. and Canada beginning this week, the campaign will roll out globally to Australia, Mexico and parts of Europe and Asia next month on channels including online video, digital and social media.

Earlier this month, Airbnb reported a solid set of earnings that illustrate the 16-year-old brand’s strength in a hot travel market. Revenue, at $2.5 billion, was up 18% over the year-earlier period, and $650 million in net income was significantly more than 2022’s $379 million.

The company said guest appeal remains strong, and it is working to recruit more hosts to the service. Meanwhile, marketing stunts like a Barbie DreamHouse, hosted by Ken, are helping the brand gain more mainstream appeal by piggybacking on cultural moments.