Freedom Solar turns homeowners into ’80s power-ballading superheroes in Callen ads

Feel the power flow through you as you help the planet and save money of your electricity bill

Published On
Aug 14, 2023
A middle-aged, balding man in a superhero cape holding his arms outstretched

Editor's Pick

Freedom Solar Power wants homeowners to take control of their energy in its newest campaign. And sing about it, ’80s power ballad style.

The campaign, which continues the “Be Most Powerful” theme, features two commercials about homeowners Jane and Carl, who both transform into superheroes after getting rid of their old energy to switch to Freedom Solar Power to lower electricity bills—and help the environment, too.

The spots were inspired by music videos and power ballads in the ’80s. In the ads, Jane and Carl rock ’80s hairstyles and outfits that resemble the style of rock bands Aerosmith, Bon Jovi and KISS. 

The wacky 30-second and 15-second spots were made by agency Callen and directed by Carl Sundemo.


“We’re telling the world about the transformative power of solar through writing and recording unique ’80s power ballad songs,” says David Hughes, managing director of Callen. He adds, “There is nothing more powerful than an ’80s power ballad, that’s what homeowners are scream-singing to themselves in their living rooms anyway, right?”

Andrew Sherman of Butter Music and Sound composed the tracks.

An earlier activation of this campaign was released on Earth Day last spring, when Freedom Solar Power unveiled “Solar-Umba 4000,” a solar-powered vacuum that traveled around Austin cleaning trash around the city.

Freedom Solar Power’s new ads are running in social media and digital. 


Aug 14, 2023
Client :
Freedom Solar Power
Agency :
Chief Executive Officer :
Bret Biggart
President :
Ryan Hunter
Chief Marketing Officer :
Sherren Harter
Senior Marketing Manager :
Lauren Martin
Chief Creative Officer :
Craig Allen
Creative Director :
Matt Sorrell
Art Director :
Matt Nall
Copywriter :
Kyle Davis
Head of Production :
Amy Kommatas
Head of Strategy :
Julianna Simon
Managing Director :
David Hughes
Account Supervisor :
Payton Brown
Account Coordinator :
Anna Campbell
Production Company :
Director :
Carl Sundemo
EP :
Samuel Cantor
Co-EP :
Megan Murphee
Producer :
Axel Herrlin
Producer :
Øystein Dyb
Fredrik Backar
PD :
Agustin Moreaux
VFX Company :
Bacon X
Co-Production :
Epoch Films
Managing Executive Producer :
Melissa Culligan
Co-EP :
Megan Murphee
Service Company :
ICON Films
EP :
Emil Rangelov
Producer :
Deyan Dobrev
Edit House :
Mack Cut
Editor :
Gavin Cutler
Assistant Editor :
Louisa Phillips
Executive Producer :
Gina Pagano
Sound Design :
Sam Shaffer
Music Studio :
Butter Music and Sound
Andrew Sherman
Composer :
Andrew Sherman
EP :
Renée Massé
Dan Zank
Producer :
Warren Wolfe
Audio Post :
Mr. Bronx
Sound Design/Mix :
Eric Hoffman
Assistant Mixer :
Michael Artuso
Assistant Mixer :
Elvira Gutierrez
Audio Post EP :
Hanna Choi
Audio Post Associate Producer :
Maggie Norsworthy

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