The winning mascot in the 'Best of Geico' contest lets fame go to his head

But the Caveman loses his cool after a devastating loss

Published On
May 31, 2019

Editor's Pick

Geico has had plenty of spokespeople (and creatures) over the years. The insurance brand’s “Best of Geico” retrospective asked fans to choose their favorite mascot from the past 25 years of saving 15 percent or more. Now they’ve named a winner, and one of the voters is a winner, too, the first person to appear in a Geico spot as herself.

Kathleen Colen of Jacksonville, Florida, voted for Caleb the Camel, star of the “Hump Day” spot, who beat out competition like the gleeful Maxwell the Pig, the surprisingly cultured Caveman, the spy’s mother, the collect caller and—of course—the Geico Gecko. Colen appears in Geico’s latest from The Martin Agency, a meta spot that takes place “behind the scenes” as she prepares for her debut in this very spot, along with the other mascots in their makeup trailer. Caleb is nowhere to be seen, though, since stardom has gone to his head and he’s demanded a personal trailer of his own.

The Caveman, though not the most popular of the mascots, takes his fall from grace the hardest. In an extended scene with Colen, her penchant for Caleb and the Gecko get the better of him, and he storms off once he can’t swallow his pride any longer.