Gordon Ramsay finally chills out, thanks to a farming video game

Uncommon Stockholm’s campaign for mobile game ‘Hay Day’ sees the famously irascible chef finding tranquility

Published On
Jan 16, 2025

Editor's Pick

Farming video games are known for their slow pace, which players tend to find either maddening or calming. For celebrity chef and anger aficionado Gordon Ramsay, it appears to be the latter, according to new ads for Supercell’s “Hay Day” mobile game.

The campaign, from Uncommon Creative Studio Stockholm, began with a mostly unbranded TikTok on Ramsey’s personal page, in which he apologized to everyone he’s ever insulted—in particular, those he’s referred to as “donkeys,” which he now says are “such beautiful animals.” (On-screen copy at the very end says the apology was “brought to you by Hay Day.”)

That was followed by the video above, in which he explains that “Hay Day” is the source of his newfound enlightenment and tranquility.

Nat Prisco directed the campaign out of Art & Sciences.

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In addition to the videos, game maker Supercell is bringing Ramsey into the “Hay Day” game itself. From Jan. 15-24, he’ll be an in-game character, taking over for existing character “Greg” in assisting players in looking after their farms, with new features and events also taking place.

“We’ve always known that ‘Hay Day’ is a place of relaxation and calm, even for one of the most fiery individuals in entertainment,” said Maya Hofree, general manager of the game. “We can’t wait for players to meet virtual Gordon Ramsay in our game and have fun building up their own farming utopia.”

“I’m known for many things, but being zen is not one of them,” said Ramsay. “What people don’t know is thanks to ‘Hay Day’ I’ve found a new sense of calm from harvesting crops and feeding livestock. ... ‘Hay Day’ shows that anyone, no matter who they are, can find a bit of harmony in the chaos”

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Jan 16, 2025
Client :
Client :
Hay Day
Agency :
Uncommon Creative Studio Stockholm
Creative Producer :
Ashley St Germain
Marketing Strategist :
Gabriel Caramelo Eccher
Hero Casting :
Talent Republic
CEO & Founder :
Anne Batz
Managing Partner :
Charlie Powell
Production Lead :
Sophie Jacob
GR Management :
Rebecca Lewis
Bradlee Banbury
Production Company :
Arts & Sciences
Director :
Natalie Prisco
Managing Director & Partner :
James Bland
Executive Producer :
Elise Jeanrenaud
Producer :
Tex Travi
Production Manager :
Esther Rich
Director of Photography :
Sebastian Pfaffenbichler
Sound Recordist :
Howie Nicol
Prop Master :
Chris Brett
Art Director :
Kate McConnell
Production Designer :
Dan Betteridge
Costume Stylist :
Maureen Vivian
Post Production :
Post Producer :
Belle McLeary
Executive Producer :
Greg White
Grade :
Henry Howard
Flame Lead :
Martin Waller
Flame Lead :
Antonio Jimenez

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