Spend Halloween Night in Airbnb's Creepy Paris Catacombs Bedroom

Evening Underground Includes Scary Stories and a Private Concert

Published On
Oct 12, 2015
Halloween at the Paris Catacombs

Editor's Pick

It's no longer enough to have a scary ad campaign for Halloween -- these days consumers are expecting you to offer an experience too.

Previously Booking.com featured haunted hotels on its website, and now Airbnb is offering people the chance to spend the night in a location that's not quite a graveyard, but near enough -- a room in the Paris Catacombs, "resting place of six million souls."

The travel site is inviting members to enter a competition to win the two-person stay, by submitting 100 words on why they think they're brave enough to sleep in the catacombs. Included in the stay, which takes place 20 meters underground, is a "dazzling culinary experience" and a private concert, as well as breakfast (if you make it that far).

There's also the promise of someone on hand to tell you spooky stories about the Catacombs before you go to sleep. Airbnb also warns guests to "Please respect the Catacombs as you would your own grave." If that sends shivers down your spine, enter by midnight on Oct. 20.

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