Men sing about their body confidence in Hanes' musical-style spot

Ad from the Martin Agency aims to address male body anxiety

Published On
Aug 07, 2019

Editor's Pick

It's not just women who need to be more confident about their body size, as catered to by the likes of Dove. A new campaign from Hanes aims to "celebrate inclusivity and authenticity" as it shows men of all body shapes and sizes singing , Broadway musical-style, about how its underwear gives them body confidence. 

Created by The Martin Agency, the campaign has a wide range of different types of guy -- from muscular "gym bods" to "dad bods" and "average bro bods" -- bursting into song about how Hanes' underwear suits them just right. Hanes says it wants to address the "culturally driven body anxiety often associated with women but also faced by men."

John Szalay, associate creative director at The Martin Agency, comments: “We felt that music was the best way to bring this idea to life because if you feel confident enough sing in your underwear in random places, you’ve got to truly be comfortable with yourself. We landed on an idea that establishes a fresh, new voice for Hanes that also feels big and thoughtful with a hint of fun."

Directed by Landia's Miguel Campana, the campaign will run both 15- and 30-second spots across TV and online video and is supported by Facebook and Instagram content.


Aug 07, 2019
Client :
Agency :
The Martin Agency
Chief Branding Officer :
Sidney Falken
Vice President Marketing :
Jaye Powell
Marketing Director :
Heather Hough
Senior Marketing Manager :
Jamie Wallis
Director of Merchandising :
Ginny Parks
Merchandising Manager :
Marla Darden
Chief Creative Officer :
Karen Costello
Creative Director :
John Szalay
Art Director :
Sally Lee
Copywriter :
Page Jensen-Slattengren
VP Executive Producer :
Pamela Mahan
SVP Group Account Director :
Sydney Norton
Account Supervisor :
Liesl Lipford
Sandra Snead
Financial Affairs Manager :
Carrie Marcus
Business Affairs Manager :
Julie Lefton
Director :
Miguel Campana
Juan Taylor
Director of Photography :
Christos Voudouris
Art Director :
Andrew Morton

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