Coach FLOTUS Turns Nick Offerman Into an Exercise Fiend in Video for 'Let's Move'

FunnyorDie Film Also Celebrates 60th Anniversary of President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

Published On
Aug 31, 2016

Editor's Pick

Funnyman Nick Offerman takes us through a sweaty, frustrating history of exercise as First Lady Michelle Obama's floating head cheers him on in this new FunnyorDie video promoting the FLOTUS's 'Let's Move!' initiative and the 60th anniversary of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition.

In the video, Offerman endures decades of workout fads -- vibrating waist belts, electro-therapy, Olivia Newton-John's singing and shake weights. Although he dons some dazzling outfits like striped sport socks and headbands, pink leotards and leg warmers, there's no hiding the sweat. But just when he's ready to give up, the FLOTUS' floating head mysteriously appears to urge him on, turning him into a workout fiend who blasts through the '90s and beyond. There's even a cameo from Offerman's better half, actress Megan Mullally, to whom the First Lady gives a proper shout out.

"The habits that we've been emphasizing the past six years through the Let's Move! initiative --- habits like eating healthy and staying active --- are what the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, & Nutrition is all about," said the First Lady in a statement. "And when it comes to exercising, the trick is to find an activity that you enjoy. If you can have a little fun with it, like Nick and I did in making this video, then you'll incorporate physical activity into your life on a regular basis."

The video was created with agency SS+K and is part of the #0to60 initiative, which aims to get Americans to adopt good exercise and nutrition habits. The campaign also includes a #0to60 app free for download for iOS and a website, where users can find tools to help them jumpstart their health program. The film is running on FunnyorDie as well as on the app and website.


Aug 31, 2016
Brand :
President's Council of Fitness, Sports & Nutrition/Funny or Die
Client :
President's Council of Fitness, Sports & Nutrition/Funny or Die
Agency :
Chief Creative Officer :
Bobby Hershfield
Partner, Co-Founder :
Rob Shepardson
Senior Vice President, Director, Production :
John Swartz
Director, Innovation :
John Swartz
Executive Producer :
Christopher McLallen
Music Producer :
Patrick Oliver
Director, Marketing :
Amit Nizan
Coordinator :
Jason Fishkin
Production Company :
Funny Or Die
Director :
Bryan Madole
Producer :
Christian Heuer
Producer :
Sean Boyle
Executive Producer :
Brad Jenkins
Executive Producer :
Michael Burke
Director, Photography :
Paul Rondeau
B Camera Operator :
Brian Wengrofsky
1st Assistant Camera :
Josh Lawson
Gaffer :
Chad Doughtery
Key Grip :
Sam Barth
Swing :
Glenn Porter
Production Designer :
Tricia Robertson
Art Director :
Ellie del Campo
Art Assistant :
Stefanie Yoselle
Wardrobe Stylist :
Michelle Thompson
Makeup Artist :
Meghan Turner
Sound Mixer :
Brian Garfield
Associate Producer :
Jessy Morner-Ritt
Production Assistant :
Andrew Cook
Editor :
Kevin Mead
Editor :
Adriana Robles
Organization :
President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
Organization :
National Foundation on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
Executive Director :
Shellie Pfohl
Executive Director :
Chris Watts

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