Comedian Flula Borg promises Jägermeister will pay you back if you hate its new cold brew

A QR code tattooed to his back will take you to your refund

Published On
May 17, 2021

Editor's Pick

Jägermeister is debuting its “Jägermeister Cold Brew” with a digital campaign featuring a series of quirky videos starring German comedian Flula Borg, known best for his work in the “Suicide Squad.” In it, he promises customers their money back if they don’t enjoy the coffee-infused drink.

In one video, Borg explains the promotion by saying, “If you don’t like it for reasons literally no one will understand, you can get $15 off by telling them why.” He then proceeds to show viewers a tattoo of a QR code on his lower back that customers can scan to get their refund. (It might be more convenient however, to scan the bottle, which has a code too.)


“With a lack of on-premise sampling due to the pandemic, we hope this partnership along with our taste challenge/money back guarantee promotion will encourage even more people to try Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee and taste the unexpected,” Charles Littlefield, VP of brand marketing at Mast-Jägermeister US said in a statement.

As for the choice of Borg as its spokesperson, “He’s the perfect fit for this … because of his unique, bold and irreverent spirit—all distinct characteristics that are in line with the Jägermeister brand, Littlefield said.

The campaign created out of agency Juliet, includes five spots, including the QR-focused ad, running on YouTube, social, and on Hulu. Alex Grossman directed, via Redacted Content.