Jim Beam helps Detroit and other NFL fans navigate the ‘7 Stages of Defeat’

Longtime Lions fan Keegan-Michael Key introduces a special care package for those whose season went sideways

Published On
Jan 21, 2025

Editor's Pick

Drowning one’s sports sorrows in booze is a time-honored tradition, but Jim Beam suggests a more positive approach with the 7 Stages of Defeat care package, a limited-edition collection of items that should make it easier for fans whose team has crashed out of the NFL playoffs.

Keegan-Michael Key, a longtime Detroit Lions fan, introduces the product—available at limited times throughout the playoffs at jimbeam.com/7stages—in the video above.

The package includes seven items, including a note to help you feel your feelings; a custom all-black Jim Beam jersey; a chocolate football; a bobblehead ref and more. The message is that, whatever the outcome of the season, there’s always a reason to gather with friends, have a laugh and toast next year’s season.

Product shot of the 7 Stages of Defeat care package

“As fans, we’ve all been there—the ups and downs, the yelling at the refs on TV who clearly can’t hear you, and the utter disbelief when the ‘winning field goal’ hits the goalpost and doinks the wrong way,” said Key. “That’s why I teamed up with Jim Beam to help football fans laugh their way through all of the stages of defeat, from denial to acceptance—and maybe even a little hope for next season. We’ve got you covered.”

Jim Beam also teamed up with Mitchell & Ness to create 100 custom limited-edition jerseys that will be gifted to talent, influencers and media to amplify the program.

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