Johnson & Johnson’s emotional PSA depicts severe depression as a maze to navigate

The short film demonstrates the confusion faced by those struggling with severe depression and their caregivers

Published On
Nov 20, 2024

Editor's Pick

A sobering new PSA from Johnson & Johnson likens navigating severe depression to a maze, demonstrating how it can be a confusing challenge for both the person struggling and their caregivers. 

The short film, created by Edelman, shows how debilitating severe depression can be, both for people living with the condition and their caregivers, through the story of a woman who seems to be severely struggling and her caregiver, who can’t seem to navigate the labyrinth of how best to help her. 

“Breaking Depression: Out of the Maze” intentionally focuses on caregivers, acknowledging the difficulties faced by those who step up to care for people living with the condition. The spot aims to show that with the right support and information, both the affected party and their caregiver can find a way out of the maze and into recovery. 

Also read: Athletes share pre- and postgame rituals in mental health PSA

The campaign was created with counsel and insights from the Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Network (GAMIAN) Europe and the European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) and was inspired by real-life anecdotes and analogies shared by people living with depression and caregivers in online communities and forums. 

According to Johnson & Johnson, the creative team at Edelman spent weeks researching and listening to land on the concept of a maze. Among these insights, the team learned that caregivers often put their own health and well-being on the line to provide the constant support and care needed for those struggling. Additionally, they are often also the ones responsible for pursuing specialized care for their loved one. 

The film was produced by Czar Sao Paolo and directed by Pedro Giomi and Leo Cosme. 

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Nov 20, 2024
Client :
Johnson & Johnson
Agency :
Client :
Alexandra Nisipeanu
Client :
Sarah Smith
Chief Creative Officer :
Christian Anhut
Director :
Pedro Giomi
Director :
Leonardo Cosme
Creative Lead :
Joy Chakravorty
Creative Director :
Marco Serra
Creative Director :
Marcos Alves
Designer :
Christian Arvidsson
Designer :
Vicky Emery
Motion Designer :
Christopher Boyle
Client Lead :
Shaun Beedle
Client Lead :
Courtney Rosser
Agency Producer :
Christian Berg
Agency Producer :
Katja Schloemer
Agency Producer :
Jana Brkic
Account Team :
Naiema Asraf
Account Team :
Esra Tanrikorur
Account Team :
Komal Vekaria
Account Team :
Aneesa Kaleem
Account Team :
Montse Gonzalez
Account Team :
Johann Luetjens
Account Team :
Kassie Akompey
Strategy :
Chris McCrudden
Strategy :
Imogen Cooper
Data & Intelligence :
George Patterson
Data & Intelligence :
Brandon Brown
Executive Producer :
Rodrigo Castello
Editor :
Rami d'Aguiar
Fabio Politi
Post-Production :
Mosh Post Production
Music & Sound Design :
3D Illustrator :
3D Illustrator :
BOL Studio

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