Periods in PopSugar stories are a window to a growing health problem

Ahead of Labor Day weekend, punctuation serves as a reminder about skin safety

Published On
Aug 28, 2018

Editor's Pick

A simple punctuation mark--the lowly period--serves as a powerful reminder of the risks of skin cancer in this website hack from Doner and media platform Popsugar, for Melanoma Know More.

Starting this week and through September 30, content on the Popsugar site has been hacked so that periods in copy of health and wellness articles become a window to content informing readers of the "ABCD&Es" of detecting skin cancer. A rollover of the punctuation mark calls up lines like "A is for asymmetrical," "B is for border," and so on. The goal of the campaign is to teach people the signs to look out for and when to seek additional screening or treatment.

Doner ECD Brad Emmett and ACD Mark Adler are both skin cancer survivors, so they were inspired to create a lasting conversation around melanoma and screening, especially with the younger generation. According to the American Cancer Society, the rate of melanoma has been rising over the last three decades. In 2018, more than 90,000 new melanomas will be diagnosed in the States--about 55,000 of which will be in men and 36,000 in women.


Aug 28, 2018
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Chief Creative Officer :
Eric Weisberg
Executive Creative Director :
Brad Emmett
Creative Director :
Rob Legato
Writer :
Mark Adler
Art Director :
Angelo Patrona
Developer of Technology :
Sean Schricker
Director of Digital Production :
Julian Smith
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