Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam : Mother Bucker

Yeah, Santa baby.

Published On
Dec 13, 2012

Editor's Pick

Is this the weirdest agency Christmas effort ever? Yes. But it's for a good cause -- which might, might make riding in Santa's lap okay. Wieden & Kennedy Amsterdam built a giant Santa and asked employees, a.k.a. "Mother Buckers" to ride his lap for as long as possible. The longer they rode, the more money was raised for charity. The idea was hatched out of the agency's apprenticeship program, The Kennedys.

Plus, interactivity: The agency handed out numbers to family and friends, and if your number corresponded with the number of the person who rode the longest -- also given the uncomfortable title of "Champion Mother Bucker" -- then you pick where the donation goes.

The winner, who will forever be known as the man who rode in Santa's lap for 2.22 minutes was Heineken account executive Luis Ortiz. 2,230 Euros were donated to charity. And because Mr. Ortiz did the riding shirtless, the agency is upping that amount to 3,000 Euros.


Dec 14, 2012
Brand :
Wieden & Kennedy-Amsterdam
Client :
Wieden & Kennedy-Amsterdam
Agency :
Wieden & Kennedy-Amsterdam
Executive Creative Director :
Mark Bernath
Executive Creative Director :
Eric Quennoy
Creative Director :
Alvaro Sotomayor
Art Director :
The Kennedys
Art Director :
Cara To
Art Director :
Ben Sandler
Art Director :
Jess Hall
Art Director :
Ella de Weijer
Art Director :
Thomas Payne
Art Director :
Jordi Luna
Agency Producer :
Judd Caraway
Project Manager :
Judd Caraway
Production Company :
Brenninkmeijer & Isaacs
Director :
Ben Sandler
Director, Photography :
Camille Herren
Art Production :
Cineset Amsterdam
Art Production :
Paul de Bruin
Technical Support :
Het Licht Amsterdam
Editor :
Jordi Luna
Music :
Deck the Halls Rearranged
Music Company :
Soho Music
Music Supervisor :
Kate Young

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