Muji Designs Tiny Minimalist Huts for Weekend Living

Japanese Brand Expands Into Moveable Real Estate

Published On
Nov 04, 2015
Muji Huts

Editor's Pick

Japanese fashion and lifestyle brand Muji is known for its minimalist style, whether it's fashion or umbrellas. In 2012 it designed a Muji house for people to stay in to experience its products, and now it's gone one step further by creating minimalist huts for people to buy.

The idea of the Muji Hut, unveiled at a Tokyo design event, is as a kind of pop-up second home allowing busy Japanese city dwellers to get away from it all in the country on weekends. According to, the brand unveiled huts by three different designers -- a cork hut by Jasper Morrison, a black wood and glass hut designed by Naoto Fukasawa and a smaller aluminum and wood version by furniture designer Konstantin Grcic. The huts will be available in Japan next year -- prices have yet to be revealed.