Facebook Lingo Conveys Sad Reminder of Elderly's Loneliness

Age U.K. and JWT London Deliver Poignant Statement About Seniors

Published On
Apr 15, 2015
No Friends

Editor's Pick

Facebook's "Friends" posters are all over the U.K. at the moment -- so charity Age U.K. and JWT London created another outdoor campaign in response, reminding us of the loneliness of older people. The posters, with the simple caption "No Friends" adorning portraits of solitary older people, undoubtedly echo Facebook and according to the charity, aim to reinforce the fact that one million older people in the U.K. go more than a month at a time without seeing or speaking to anyone. People are invited to text "3 pounds" to the charity to help provide older people who feel lonely with companionship, support and advice.