Oscar Mayer made a hot dog popsicle

The brand brings 'Cold Dog' frozen hot dog to stores

Published On
Aug 26, 2022
Oscar Mayer Cold Dog popsicle for dogs

Editor's Pick

By nature, hot dogs are hot. It’s in the name. Or, it was. Inspired by social media fan discourse, Oscar Mayer created the “Cold Dog,” a hot dog-flavored popsicle.

As part of a brand campaign from Johannes Leonardo in which the wiener brand polled fans on whether a crazy product idea was stupid or genius, a pitch for the frozen meat sparked a heated debate. Comments on the post range from “Yes this is genius! I would love to try this out!” to “Nobody want that” to “I've been eating cold hot dogs since before I was in school. I'm 66 now and it hasn't killed me yet!”


A post shared by Oscar Mayer (@oscarmayer)

Now, you can try the “Cold Dog” for real.

In partnership with frozen desserts company Popbar, fans can grab a “Cold Dog” for $2 at select Popbar locations in Long Beach, New York City, Atlanta and New Orleans. The treat is made of flavored frozen gelato, described as capturing an Oscar Mayer dog’s smokey, umami notes with a swirl of mustard.

“At Popbar, we always love a challenge when it comes to creating crazy flavors, because we love uniqueness!" said Reuben BenJehuda, founder and CEO of Popbar, in an email. "This 'Cold Dog' was nothing shy of that! We went through 12 variations and spent hours together in the test kitchen perfecting a hot dog taste that was worthy of the Oscar Mayer name. It's the perfect combination of creamy, smokey, savory, and sweet...Your taste buds will surely be impressed with this surprisingly delicious flavor!”

Oscar Mayer’s Wienermobile, decorated in a frosty redesign, made stops throughout NYC and the Jersey Shore for the 'Cold Dog' debut weekend.

“After the overwhelming fan excitement for our beloved ‘Cold Dog,’ it was a no-brainer to make this hot dog-inspired frozen pop a reality,” said Anne Field, head of North American brand communications at Oscar Mayer, in a statement.

A frozen Wienermobile